We human beings, and indeed all living beings on Earth today, are born rather than created by someone or something (although perhaps we could say we are creations of the Universe or Nature…).
Many books and films have presented philosophical or lyrical visions of how humans, as born beings, might coexist in the future with created beings such as machines and computer technology, or how we might fuse with them to form a species different from today’s human race. This list includes, first and foremost, Kevin Kelly’s 1994 book Out of Control, as well as science fiction films such as The Matrix Trilogy and Blade Runner. Today, twenty-some years after Kelly’s book was published, created beings are starting to be incorporated into our daily lives in the form of artificial intelligence.
Still, intelligence and sensibility are not the same. Those who study the brain and nervous system tell us that sensibility and physicality interact so closely that it is nearly impossible to separate them. They say it would not be possible, for instance, to remove sensibility alone and install it as a package in an external being.
They are surely correct. The fertility cycles of the female body, for example, are influenced by the stars and planets in the heavens. The natural environment of the Earth, too, exerts a strong influence over us as we make daily use of our senses. Particularly sensitive women can foretell impending events with their bodies—not only their periods, but even earthquakes. And animals are widely known to have even more highly developed senses. As humans invent new artificial intelligences, it is unlikely that our technology will be able to capture this sensibility that is receptive to influences at the scale of the universe. I would like to believe that in the not-too-distant future scientists will recognize that human sensibilities function as one part of a much larger whole.
Yet if we indulge in a momentary fantasy and imagine that the molecules in living cells were to retain their organic nature while at the same time combining with artificial structural elements, it is quite interesting to ponder what form those molecules would take and whether they could represent the future of humankind and the continuation of our species.
What are born beings? What is life?
This series is a study of one vision produced in response to those questions.
- Eriko Kaniwa
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