Received the Creative Exellence honor from Circle Arts Foundation. Thank you so much to all juries.

"Symmetry of life" and "Nautilus Universe" series on the collector's fine art photo book.
The books in the series VISUAL CULTURE published by SERRADIFALCO EDITORE are showcased and updated every year. Every edition includes selected authors. Every book of about 200 pages is published in Italy and internationally distributed, printed in color on Certified FSC paper. The series of books VISUAL CULTURE deals with topics such as visual art, Architecture, Photography, Design, Communication and Graphics. Available on Italian bookshops, on Amazon Europe and major online bookshops.

Surprisingly received the certification from the Luxembourg Art Prize although I did not win. it is absolutely honoured to receive this. Thank you so much to all jury members. I will keep on doing my best.

Jellyfish series has been selected as "OFFICIAL SELECTION" of IPA-International Pghotography Awards 2022.
The works will be included the IPA annual book. It is my honor thank you so much for all jury members.
Now the series are represented by Al-Tiba9, if you are interested in purchasing the works, please contact to them. https://www.altiba9.gallery/eriko-kaniwa


Watery being -Jallyfish #1

Watery being - Jellyfish #2

Watery being - Jellyfish #3
"VISUAL CULTURE series of books aim to tell and show the strategic importance of visual communication in all fields. This book is dedicated to photography and photographers of the moment and collects the most interesting shots from all over the world.
The books in the series VISUAL CULTURE published by SERRADIFALCO EDITORE are showcased and updated every year. Every edition includes selected authors. Every book of about 200 pages is published in Italy and internationally distributed, printed in color on Certified FSC paper. The series of books VISUAL CULTURE deals with topics such as visual art, Architecture, Photography, Design, Communication and Graphics. Available on Italian bookshops, on Amazon Europe and major online bookshops.

Participaed to the ART EXPO NY, seen in the catalogue. The event was postponed several times, due to the COVID situation. I very appreciate to the great effort of WWA.
Here is the certification.

Now on sale at AMAZON & BARNS & NOBLE etc.

Al-Tiba 9 Online art exhibition "FUTURE IS TODAY" Vol.2
04-30 March. 2021
-> Exhibition Page
Jelly fishes and 10 questions Interview on Al-tiba9 issue 07
Altiba9 issue 007 - PHOTOGRAPHY

CreativPaper issue 020
ISSUU : Digital

Dec. 2020


PX3 announced the winner of 2020, and the book "Texture of Absurdity" won the silver prize in the Book/Fineart category, also the series "Imagery of the ancient organisms" won the Honorable mention in the Fineart/Digitally enhanced category. Thankyou so much to all jury and stuff members of the award.

Featured at Spotlight Magazine issue.19 curated by CIRCLE ARTS FOUNDATION

British GQ

March. 2020
Abstract art works are collected as the art book "Texture of Absurdity"
Now on sale at Blurb. or Amazon US. Publisuhed by "Atlier VGI" NY.
Jan. 2020
Released "Nautilus Universe" new series.
See ---> Gallery

Participated to fotofever Paris 2019 continuosly the last year. and "Another Tropic" was featured in the Collectors Apartment.

Nov. 2019
POLLUX AWARD EXHIBITION at FotoNostrum Gallery, Spain Barcelona.
Thank you everthing Julio Hirsch-Hardy, the direcotr of FotoNostrun Gallery.

Oct. 2019
Solo exhibition as the prize of POLLUX PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS at Gallery FOTO NOSTRA Barcerona Spain Oct 7.

June 2019
"Aesthete" of the ANIMALIA project won the overall winner of POLLUX PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 13th 2019
It is my great honor, so much appreciating, and now the tiger image is on the TOP page of whole THE PHOTOGRAPHY GALA AWARDS.

May 2019
SEE More details -> http://www.contemporaryartcuratormagazine.com/100-artists-of-the-future
The Tiger of Animalia series went to the ad featured on WIRED May/June 2019 issue.

Some works was featured in the London Life Magazine January and February issue.

Zebra & Snow Leopards goes to British GQ ONLINE

Shibuya Station Exhibition by Contemporary Art Station
Participated with the ZEBRA, to the SHIBUYA STATION EXHIBITION in Japan, March 5-11th during the TOKYO ART FAIR.
ZEBRA - Life Circulation with ART EDIT of HOUSE & GARDEN
Tancho Cranne went to the greeting from FOTOFEVER PARIS 2018
Such this honor and my appreciation to ARTE GLOBALE and FOTOFEVER PARIS 2018.
From me too wishing you will have a wonderful holidays.

Nov. 2018
THE 12TH POLLUX AWARD announced winners
POLLUX AWARD of THE PHOTOGRAPHY GALA AWARDS announced winners and the "Metallized Molecule" series won the title Winner of Digital Manipulation Category. I very appreciate to the Juror Philip Brookman, Consulting Curator of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC and all staff members of the award.
I will keep up my works with this honor. Thank you so much.
Oct. 2018
9 Works will go to Fotofever of PARIS PHOTO week 2018
This is so exciting news. 9 works of mine will go to Paris Photo / Fotofever 2018 and its Collectors House under management of ARTE GLOBALE.
Such a great oppotunity, I thank you so much Maria Teresa who is a CEO of ARTE GLOBALE, and the team for your support. Way looking forward to it.

Oct. 2018
"Nautilus Universe" won 3rd. place of IPA
Delighted to announce that a work from the series " Nautilus Universe" won the 3rd place of INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 2018. Digitally enhanced Category. I appreciate this honor to all jury members. Thank you so much.

Oct. 2018
Joined a member of jury - WORLD WATER DAY PHOTO CONTEST 2019
Honorably have been invited to join to WORLD WATER DAY PHOTO CONTEST.
No water No life.
Relationship of nature and we human being is such a big concern to my creation / philosophy.
Very happy to be involved in. Please take your check.

Sep. 2018
Released New works for "Spritual Landscape" project
New color verision of Spritual Landscape. These works will go to Paris Photo/ Fotofever 2018.
Aug. 2018
Interview released.
I had such a great opportunity to reveal my practise and my philosophy by NY ART News. Thank you Karpan, for good review.
See -> NY ART News online

May. 25 2018
Updated our Provacy Policy
We updated our Paivacy Policy due to the GDPR came into effect on 25th May 2018. with respecting the law although our studio is located Tokyo Japan. Please review chance by chance following your needs. --> Privacy Plocy Page.
May. 2018
Released new series "Metallized Molecule
Let me announce that a new seires "Metallized Molecule" have been released.
Recently I have been being into how we human organic being could harmonaize or get fusion with AI mechanical matter. This concept is represented many movies as like "MATRIX" and "Blade Runner". I really love this philosophical concept and I will keep on expoloring the theme. These images are my experimental vision that are coming from within and am using the nautilus motif as an organic architectual metaphor. I hope you will enjoy. --->> Gallery

March. 2018
I could hardly say my appreciation enough to judge panel and all support of RAP team.
The prize is 2 weeks of solo exhibition at Royal Opera Arcade Gallery or La Galleria Pall Mall. in 2019.
Stay in touch, I will keep up muy works and would like to do my best for sure.
Please see more about the prize details ROYAL ART PRIZE 2018

COLLABORATED with EPSON at CP+ PHOTO IMAGING SHOW- the biggest photo imaging fair in JAPAN.

CP+ PHOTO IMAGING SHOW 2018 at Yokohama, EPSON company space

CP+ PHOTO IMAGING SHOW 2018 at Yokohama, EPSON company space
The work will be exhibited at Somerset House in London UK.
More to see the series, plese visit the Gallery.
Thank you so much for all juries.

Exhibition at Royal Arts Prize, London UK.
This is an incredibly great opportunity for me, the first time exhibition out of Japan.
Now on production procedure, cannot wait to be there and to meet new artistice peeople.
If any of you would be there, please come and visit.

November. 2017

October. 2017

3rd Edition of FAPA - FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS announced winners.
Floral transformation Series, Yomegashima, Shirahige shrine, and Tara single images from Floating Sanctuary series- Nominee
I very appreciate it to all juries of the awards and I would like to say thank you to my derarest people including my family.
This is such a big milestone for me because 1st place and 2nd place of any awards is the very first time in my photographic career.
I will keep up my works.
Special Thanks to Makoto Ando, Shinobu Andoi, Kenta Mouri, Joel Tjintjelaar, Think SCIENCE, Misa Horiba, and my dearest family.
Banner Design, Coutesy of Dr. Akira TAKAUE
Released "Chicken of Japanese Myth" gallery.
They are extremely elegant, that was really happy moments for me in the warm winter sunlight.
You may purchase all images, please contact me if you have any need.
Feb. 2017
Released "Eagle" gallery and Tancho crane gallery.
I went to Hokkaido last year January. And almost 800 shots of Tancho cranes and eagles and the other birds. They are extremely beautiful in the minus20 degrees celsius in the coldest land, I was totally overwhelemd to see their lives. This time I am really happy to make them as artworks. I tried to depict them not only as wild life animal photography but also as fine art in an aesthetic way. Plese click the photos and see the galleies.


Tancho - Red crown crane
I am happy to announce that my work " Mitsukejima" and "Organic Sanctuary"got Honorable Mention of MONOCHROME AWARDS 2016 - International Black and White Photography Contest. I very appreciate it and I will keep up my work.
Dec. 2016
ND AWARDS 2016 announced winners.